To succeed in local SEO, you must master Google My Business, which is currently known as Google Business profile. Here are proven expert tips from Tech Vannah Local SEO Team businesses can use to maximize the benefits of Google business listing.  

What is Google My Business?  

Google My Business is a free listing on Google that allows you to feed the Internet all the basic information about your business. As of 2024, its official name is Google Business Profile. You input the business name, address, location on Google Maps, contact information, social profiles, images, and operating hours. 

By listing your company on Google, the search engine can record potential customers to you. Also, customers can interact with your Google business profile by leaving comments and reviews or uploading images. These recommendations are what experts call Local SEO or Local search engine optimization. The more the Google business recommendations, the more the local business calls. It is why businesses look to join the Google My Business Listing for more local customers. 

Now that you know what Google business listing means to businesses, here are proven tips to improve your Google Business profile for the search and customers:  

Google my Business

1. List the Company on Google 

There are two ways to get a Google My Business listing. One is to manage a business account or claim an existing Google Business Profile. If someone has ever reviewed your products and services on Google, you already have a Google business listing. All you need to do is “Own this Business” to claim it. 

If you don’t fall under this category and your business isn’t available on My Business on Google Maps, you need to list it on Google using the “Manage Now” button.  

2. Fill out Your Business Information Correctly & Choose the Most Suitable Options 

After registering for the Google Business profile, ensure the information is correct. Everything from the business name to the contact information needs to be correct. Also, having your business information similar to that of all available online channels would be best.  

The process is simple since Google prompts everything; all you need to do is fill out the correct information. For this area, you need to fill out things like business type, category, address, phone number, and website URL (Optional). Remember to include relevant and specific areas your business serves on the Google My Business profile. 

3. Optimize Your Business Description 

Your business description tells Google more about what your business does. Of course, this data guides the search for when, where, and to whom you should show your business on Google.  

It is best recommended that a local SEO expert be hired to assist in optimizing the description on Google My Business. They make it clear and concise and are sure to include your unique selling point that sets you apart from other businesses in your industry. Also, an SEO agency is more knowledgeable about improving local rankings on Google.  

4. Upload High-Quality Images & Videos 

The images on the Google Business profile are available on the knowledge panel, which appears on the left side of the search results. It often sets the rhythm for how professional your business is compared to other companies. Also, customers easily trust your business since it looks more approachable. 

Photos will help in showcasing your products and services. Also, they are effective in helping customers find your business location.  

google my business

5. Collect Customer Reviews 

Google reviews assist with the local SEO ranking factor. The more reviews your business has, the higher the ranks since Google’s algorithm uses this data to incentivize your trust, resulting in more local customers. 

Note that you only receive customer reviews after verifying the Google My Business. 

6. Develop a Google Profile Posts Strategy

The most effective way to keep your local rankings on top is to stay relevant and helpful to local users. Like social media, you must publish new posts to keep your customers updated and engaged.  

To do that, go to Google My Business Settings and Click on the Add Update. You can include testimonials, case studies, news, and product updates.  

7. List Your Services and Products on Google 

After successfully listing your company on Google, it is crucial to let the search engine know what you offer. It includes listing all the products and services your business provides. For example, a local business in Nairobi can list some of their custom cake servings, bread types, donuts, croissants, cookies, etc.  

A good and comprehensive list of products and services helps Google rank you for the most suitable queries.  

8. List Your Company on Local Online Directories 

Do you remember the NAP (Name, Address, and Phone number) settings addressed when filling in the business information? When listing your business on local directories, ensure that the information matches your Google My Business details. It helps you build up online authority in your area since the search can confirm the legitimacy of your business. 

What follows after that is good local rankings, well-targeted leads actively looking for your products and services, and an increase in sales.  

9. Hire A Local SEO Agency 

The Local SEO tips above are effective. However, executing them on your Google My Business can be complex, especially if you aren’t skilled in digital marketing. Learning can take forever, and your clients will not have the time to wait. That is why we recommend getting a local SEO expert to assist you. They will help you keep up with the latest SEO best practices, improve rankings, and generate more leads.  

Final Verdict 

Google My Business is the way to go for all local businesses. It connects them to their local customers by engaging with them and making it easy to find them. The Local SEO tips above are practical and have assisted many businesses in increasing the number of local customers. Contact Tech Vannah Local SEO Agency in Nairobi for a free consultation on how you can optimize for the Google Business Profile.